Monday, June 17, 2019

baby time

First I want to show another of Bella's artwork.  The girl definitely does have some talent, I believe.  This piece of her work is hanging on the wall in Phyllis' guest (cat's) bedroom.

This afternoon we went to Tammy's house for a visit.  Tammy is one of Phyllis' best friends and she claims to be our number 1 daughter and that Phyllis is number 2.  Tammy has two daughters and the eldest just got married last year.  Today JoAnn was able to hold Tammy's grandson Axle.  He is about 7 weeks old.  She held him for quite awhile and then it was feeding time so she got that pleasure also.  He was so sweet and didn't mind a substitute grandma holding him.  Tammy was babysitting while his mother Megan was at work.

Tomorrow morning we turn the wheels back westward and head toward the Martin Manor.

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