Monday, August 17, 2015

last night in the Republic of Ireland

Tomorrow we cross into Northern Ireland which is part of the UK.  Our currency there changes from the Euro to the pound sterling.

Today we had lunch in Galway and after lunch we were sitting in the Eyre Square waiting for our coach to arrive when I looked up to see that we were sitting under a flag with the crest of the Martin Clan, a picture was taken.  Later just before we arrived at our Hotel in Sligo Bay we stopped at a small church cemetery where W. B. Yeats is buried.  In that cemetery were several Shaws.

All of the cars here are small.  A Toyota Corolla would be a large one.  There are a couple of reasons for that which are first the price of gas.  Most stations have posted prices of 1.45 euros per liter which would be around $6/gal.  The second reason would be the width of their roadways.  Most lanes appear to be less than 8' wide and our full sized motor coach has to slow down and pull over when meeting another large vehicle.  There are also bicycles and pedestrian traffic to avoid on those narrow and twisty roadways.

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