Saturday, March 16, 2013

Saint Patrick's Day eve

This RV park is a huge snowbird (winter Texan) park with hundreds of park models and hundreds of RV sites.  They have many organized activities including square dancing which is a big draw in this area.  This morning they had a St. Patrick's celebration parade of golf carts decorated in greenery.  We headed out to a grocery store just as the parade began so we couldn't get down the road to the exit until it was past.  There were many, many carts also an old Edsel, a smart car, and a lawn mower plus clowns and others walking throwing candy.

When we checked in yesterday they gave us directions to an assigned site but told us that if we saw something we liked better to just take it and then come to the office to tell them.  We did find one with lots of shade that we could drive into instead of back in so took it.  At this time of year there are many more departures heading north than arrivals.  Our friends from Centralia, MO are in a park just across the street from this park and they came over and took us for a drive around the area and a visit with another friend.  Tomorrow we are invited to their house for a birthday party.

Jo has a corned beef brisket in the crock pot for our celebration and I have a few Guinness for mine.  As an engineer I always celebrate St Patrick who engineered the snakes out of Ireland.

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