Sunday, July 21, 2013


It's in the lower 50s temperature wise here in upper MN right now (7:00 am) and that requires the heat pump to be on for a change, nice.

We really enjoyed the music show last evening.  It was 2 1/2 hours of good entertainment with a house band composed of lead guitar, drums, bass guitar, and steel guitar.  The traveling performers for the evening were Roger Tibbs and Naomi Bristow who did two sets each.  Roger Tibbs is from New Zealand and has a real good voice and an outstanding yodeler.  Naomi is 15 years old, from Canada, and calls herself the yodelin' cowgirl.  She has a strong, good voice and does a great job with the yodelin'.  They both did a good variety of country songs that showed off the range of their talents.

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