Sunday, February 28, 2016

Wellington, New Zealand

We arrived in port around noon time and then Jo and I had a tour of the town of Wellington for the afternoon.  Our tour began by taking us to the highest point of this area, at about 600 meters above sea level.  This is where I took these pictures overseeing the harbor and the town which is the capitol of New Zealand.

Monument to Admiral Byrd, south pole explorer
this arrow is pointing due North and I am facing South
Then we visited a botanical garden 
 Then we visited a museum but only had time for two displays
these were about the native lore of the creation of New Zealand
This wall panel was explained in detail how it represented that history

I have started to watermark my photos that I post to try and prevent them from being used elsewhere without my permission.  I know anyone can crop or otherwise remove these marks but at least they will have to go to some effort to do that.

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